absorptance|absorptances in English


[əb'sɔrptəns /əb'sɔː-]

ratio between the amount of radiation absorbed by a surface and the amount of radiation falling upon it (Physics)

Use "absorptance|absorptances" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "absorptance|absorptances" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "absorptance|absorptances", or refer to the context using the word "absorptance|absorptances" in the English Dictionary.

1. The solar absorptance changed obviously , while the emittance has little change after irradiation.

2. A0150 Absorptance Absorption factor Ratio of the radiant flux absorbed to that received.

3. 25 words related to Coefficient: constant, absorptance, absorption Coefficient, Coefficient of absorption, Coefficient of drag, drag Coefficient

4. 25 words related to Coefficient: constant, absorptance, absorption Coefficient, Coefficient of absorption, Coefficient of drag, drag Coefficient

5. To what quantity is the measured quantity really related, absorptance (the absorbed irradiance, as in 1-R-T) or Absorbance (as in -lg T)? What other methods that really measure absorption or a